Goal Progress:

Support Our School

We need everyone in our school community to pitch in – and because we honor and value the diversity in our families – we’re asking all families to donate on a sliding scale based on household income. No amount is too big or too small. Please see our guide below for suggested giving amounts and consider giving an amount that is meaningful to you and your family.


  • Click “DONATE” on the form and select “to a team or individual” from the drop-down menu.

  • Find your class on the list (search your teacher if needed) and proceed with your donation.

  • Refer to the chart for the suggested donation amounts based on income.

NOTE: Please select “to a team or individual” from the drop-down menu and donate within your teacher’s TEAM so that your donation counts towards class participation. This helps your child win class prizes! All funds received go towards programming for the whole school.

Share this campaign with friends and family.

Ask them to select your teacher’s team so that their donation will count towards class participation.

To donate using ZELLE, follow one of these two options:

Option 1 -

  • Go to your bank app and select “Zelle” (OR go to the Zelle App on your phone).

  • Find us by our email: carthaypta@gmail.com

Option 2 -

  • Scan this QR code.

  • Enter the name of your bank in the search bar.

  • You will be routed to your bank app to make a donation.

*Please write your student’s name AND teacher as the reason for payment.

To donate via CHECK or CASH:

  • Make your check payable to Carthay ESM PTA.

  • Drop off your check or cash at the Parent Center or Front Office in a sealed envelope marked “PTA.”

  • Please include your child’s name on the check.




At Carthay, we believe that dance, PE, and community gardening are just as important as learning the basics of math and reading. Unfortunately these valuable enrichment activities are not funded by the district.

As Carthay’s community, it’s up to ALL of us to build a well-rounded school experience for our students.

We can’t do it without you!

If you prefer to pay by cash or check:

  • Make your check payable to Carthay ESM PTA.

  • Drop off your check or cash at the Parent Center or Front Office in a sealed envelope marked “PTA.”

  • Please include your child’s name on the check.

Our goal is to raise $100,000 this year to fund student programs like:

  • Environmental Science via Community Gardening

  • GATE programming

  • Dance

  • Additional STEM activities

  • Physical education

  • Other programs YOU vote to fund.